dancing to some rump shaking jam

That's yo girl!

she's salty

laughing at her own jokes

Sara, your desginer

she's sweet

feeling herself

and personal hype girl

she's spicy

Coffee is my lifeline. I like it hot or cold but not too sweet!

When I asked my brother what a fun fact about me was, he said "You have a natural talent for annoying people"

I like to be busy and intentional with my time. I feel off if I am unproductive.

I watch youtube in the shower lol

I'm obsessed with potatoes in any form and ranch. Give me a hell ya brother if you agree ;)

When I was a kid, I used to go to dance class and loved it but now all I do is shake my booty in the mirror...

When I asked my sister what a fun fact about me was, she said "You are my sister"

I am very passionate about mental health and have a soft spot for those dealing with eating disorders. My DM's are always open to talk about anything!  

I'm allergic to cats and dogs but I have one of each!


The sweet part of me is a girl who started her young life as being very caring for her loved ones. I truly feel the pain and happiness of others and I see that as an essential skill as a designer. In my adult life-it transition into caring for people with disabilities. I headed into a career as a Developmental Services Worker and it served as my purpose for many years. Although it quickly drained me as my fellow health care workers know; it is very underpaid, understaffed and under appreciate. MY time was spread very thin and I honestly was running on zero personality. I was literally a shell.

My people would describe me as being classy, sassy and a little bit smart assy OR as I’ve coined-sweet, salty and spicy! 

Although I wasn’t dedicated to myself, I was very dedicated to my MANY *cough 5* jobs. I was a good advocate and worker for my clients and this is where the salty part of me comes out. I was and still am very confident in the work that I produce and take pride in that quality. There was a brief period in my life where I just KNEW, it was time to leave the healthcare field. I wanted more than what that field could offer me and I knew I could offer the world more. Like many, the healthcare field depleted me and I had lost myself. 

heavy enphases on the coffee


lmao i act like my own little vlogger and save crying pics for mems

Equipped with my ingredients back, I set out to find my true passion. I started online as a social media manager but was quickly swept away with the excitement of design. I created a lot of design work for clients to post on their socials and eventually had someone reach out to me asking if I designed websites. After a few brand and web design pieces of work I was a GITTY GIRL. 

I tried for a year to find one job that would replace the many that kept me from living my life. To no avail, I got to the *lowest* point in my career and the thought of working in the field any longer outweighed the thought of having no job. 

SHOCKER-I quit and worked relief jobs for 7 months while I worked on myself. This is where I got my personality or my salt back. The salty part is the goofy part of my personality. Im the type of bitch that thinks she’s the funniest person in the room and I’ll be the first to do something weird because I’m not afraid of looking silly. 

shocker-I quit

I felt so strongly that i found my calling

When I looked in the mirror I would be like “ya I literally look like a brand and web designer” ! I felt so strongly that I found my calling, Once I decided to take the leap, I quickly started investing and preparing for a launch. MONTHS of prep have brought me here. Being a designer is a huge FUCK yes for me and I am so excited to serve FUCK yes clients. I hope you tag along this journey with me as we soak in all the flavours of life and just have FUN.

questions i ask my clients

Love, Sara